10 WEIRD Things ...(as tagged by Loisa)FIRST. It is vicious, and I didn't realise the enornimity of it. I
ate snake meat when I was a kid.
SECOND. I get crazy and
speak like an idiot to myself when I'm studying for some major exam. (That is if I don't get it)... and I usually have problems with getting it.
scream at people if the
food I'm gonna take at home sucks. (used to) RIGHT? So that's weird. AND bad. So I gotta learn not to take things for GRANTED! Right? YEAH!
FOURTH. I have
FIFTH. My secondary school report book labelled me as
SIXTH. I get
irritated when people ask me
why I'm quiet.
BLOG like I'm talking to some
imaginary me?
EIGHTH. Chocolates Rock? Yeah, but the eighth weird thing is... I laugh
hysterically only in the comforts of my own home. NO NO! I sit like a
pai kia only at home. NO!!! I'M absolutely freakishly
freaked out by flying hard-shelled bugs or big flying moths!!! -- e.g. like the flying cockroaches and the giant moth which swopped all over the house... quite long ago.
NINTH. I thought I lost my phone and while it kept ringing when I called it in the house, my bros and I spent like 20 minutes trying to locate the source of the ringing. Of all places, we tracked it down to my room -- (cos' my house has this incredible echo and you wouldn't be able to pinpoint a person's place if you were on level one and the person speak from the second level). Guess what: it was in my wardrobe, atop a pile of clothes! Very nice. --
that was rubbish and random. NO NO! I
fractured my right leg in 4 places and was in a cast for 6 months or so. -that is the worst thing that happened to my life- I WAS ONLY P2!
TENTH. You know, this is so
tiring!!! Is it entertaining?! I LOVE TO PIECE THINGS UP! NO NO! I had a
lizard jump onto me TWICE! From the wall(1) and the toilet paper roll(2).
___ UPDATED ON 19JUL07 ____As told by my lil' bro...1. I speak to myself
2. I talk funny
3. I can go very crazy
4. I scream at Green Day and/or my favourite bands.
5. I don't shop for the sake of shopping.
6. I (sometimes) listen to "VERY super oldies". -_______-"
MY MOOD CAN CHANGE VERY QUICKLY. -my lil bro gotta be spot on man...8. I don't like (actually not don't like, but suck at) playing action games.
9. (he fell asleep while thinking of the rest... will ask him AGAIN!)
10. rawr.
And I think you would find me weird reading the official one above. I think I've gone out of point. Here's the
real deal...
I tend to be very quiet. --
introverted but taking a comms course. shoot.I tend to be nonexistent.
I tend to admire people from the back.
I tend to stare into space.
I tend to be cranky and rebellious.
I tend to have teacherophobia - fear of teachers, all teachers are OTHER beings, they're not normal humans.
I tend to think that I'm a loner, lone-ranger, and some weirdo out of somewhere (used to actually). I guess it's because of the times I spent alone in sec school that drove me mad.
I listened to pop and hated rock before Green Day. I once thought techno was cool. NOW I think techno is rubbish, rock is "the thing" (actually poprock, alternative), and pop is okayye...
I sat beside some middle-aged ang mohs (may I emphasize MIDDLE AGED as in 40+50s?!) in a Franz Ferdinand concert. that sucked coz they kept looking my direction whenever I screamed. But Franz rocked.
I like jazz apart from alternative rock.
JAZZ and
ROCK! Ain't that weird?