HELLO!Welcome to my photo-post of our mini-adventure and self-guided trek from Macritchie Reservoir to Bukit Timah Nature Reserve!
As of yet, I haven't gotten all the photos, so the candid ones will come LATE-r. Yep. As in the kungfu ones. haha!
Guess what. Loisa and I were taking 74 there, and we missed our stop by like, 12 bus stops! That's like crazy! And luckily we went to ask the bus driver, otherwise we'd be all the way at the interchange. Gawd.
So... we were kinda late, all of us. And Kenneth decided to pang-seh, fly our aeroplane! Guess what... he went back to sleep, and only woke at 12+, when we've already done a like 2km or so of the trek? The full one was around 10km, level 6.. haha.. we skipped all the other levels... And went straight for the difficult one. lol.
And so the walk begins...
-Macritchie Forest Trail-

After a good few hours, we went all the way out from macritchie reservoir trail, and went over to the HSBC tree top walk trail. It wasn't in the "pink" route, but it was something we'd like to visit on the blue route! It was so cool... A good few kilometres and we found the place. It was all along the way, and it wasn't like it was so easy to get lost with so many markers and signs. SO! It was quite fun. MADE A LOT OF NOISE! I was thinking we shouldn't do that... But I didn't make a point coz I wasn't sure. I was thinking, that we were scaring all the animals away... Also, when I came back, the nature trail brochure from the Ranger station had "Silence is golden when you're walking in the jungle"... or something like that. SHOOT.
Well, it was quite high, the tree top walk, and we saw quite some animals.... Just really wanted to see the Paradise Tree
Snake or the Pangolin, but no chance...
Erm, well... it's rare and you'd be lucky if there's such an encounter. Haha. We saw a funny looking green lizard, squirrels, macaques - monkey, lots of birds, moths, butterflies? And... monitor lizards were all over the place! And they're so loud! Sudden movements from them always freak me out.
Anyway, after the tree top walk, we went up this tremendous amount of stairs..
"Loisa's Agony" - by J.Z.Then, we went continued on, this desolated path, got messed up but luckily, on track... After a long trek out... (Check out how long...)

We went onto this main road, and travelled ALL THE WAY to the HIGHWAY!!! Haha, that is just... bleugh! But we saw this mirror, and decided to take a lot of shots of us in the mirror for fun. Haha... But I'm so lazy to upload, I'm only going to show you one... the BEST one?

-Four in the Mirror-
Then it was more walking, and trekking, and we got to this place, which has 2 signs pointing to... nowhere!!! The trail marker wasn't even that visible! It was like, what the... there's no place for us to go! It's crap! arghh... There was this huge drain, and sewer pipes or something! Guess what, the freaking trail marker was all the way at the top of this slope, so we wanted to bash it up... hahaha....

More trekking into the forest, and we came to this area with three big rocks where we took pictures!!! How fun is that man?! It was all super funny and candid. Haven't got them yet though. So... what else... OH! We went to Durian Loop, and there were durians all over the place!!!
- Down the Durian Loop -Hmm... it was then this elevation climb, and a bit of a walk, and we're done! We gone to the Visitors Centre to cool down, clean up, and refresh. It was such a nice walk. All the way from 11.30am to say... 4.30pm? Yeap. And we covered more than the pink trail okay! We went to dead ends too! Okay... we had fun. It was fun. =]
Then we're happy at Beauty World, coz we finally get to eat something other than Quaker bars and peach gummie... haha. Bin bin was nice though, the cracker like wang wang... anyway... thanks ppl for the food. haha...
-HOME SWEET HOME-(I'll edit this post so it's gonna change a bit) :]
13 KM!!! WE WALKED something like... 13KM or more!!! wooh!