Well I haven't blogged in awhile! Itching to lay some stuff on the table.
Last week was pretty filled with stuff to do! Went out a lot!!!
First, it was Jielong's bday on that Sunday, so we went to his house to have a feast!
It was absolutely WAHHH. Jaw-dropping. When we went to his house, (grumpy donkey Ken fetched us in his van) we saw the birthday boy preparing food with his maids in the kitchen with his pyjamas on... HAHHA! Just joking. Pyjamas.... yeah, it looks like pyjamas. Like, HELLO?! lol. Ah nvm, at home. BUT BIRTHDAY! Lucky Eileen came to the rescue and got him to change into a nicer tee before taking photos with us. haha...
Anyway, Loisa and I started cutting up the tomatoes.. actually dicing them, and the mushrooms... it was... messy! Hahahaha. Whatever! And the dining room and living room is filled with artsy stuff, I felt like I was in a museum. LOL. What's with the no fan, no aircon thingy?! It was stifling lah! Ok bah, whatever... since no one hangs out there. lOl... Soooo...
Nice huge house, hamsters... fishes, cockatoo, and the absolutely adorable pair of lovebirds. :D
LALALA... and fab food! Except for the rockbread... and overbearing bloated-ness. Lol... Zhong Zi Mi Ma was fun. BUT
HENNGG! Lucky man!!! I didn't
tio any of the rounds, so I didn't get to eat any punishment food to finish it up.
Got technique one okay! After that... hmms... OH! All of us went up to his room to check out the SAMSUNG hdtv he got, like whhhat?! And play... guitar hero II !!! so darn fun man! lol... but we're still trying to get it. The fingering and all.
Oh wells, nonetheless...
"The Feast"
"Cheese Cake Birthday"
"Everyone, smile!"After that Sunday, we went ... where did we go... OH! To Clementi Sports Complex on Monday to play BADMINTON! It was a great workout. Slam slam slam smash! WOOOH! It was fun coz I got to work out and play well... Thank goodness my friends
don't suck in badminton else I'd be super miserable.

Yeah Jielong, very nice... Cramp while playing badminton... very power. -grins-
hahahahaha. -evil laugh-
OH! Then we went to watch Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix last Friday! It was pretty cool, the story and the effects all that. I don't read the book, lol, so it's okay for a movie like that. :D What else... -think think think- OH OH! Before I met them, -the usual ppl- haha, I was at the restaurant at Excelsior Hotel with mum and xiaojiu! WE had NICE dim sum! It was cheap and good! Dim sum buffet at $10.90+++? End up with say, $12+ per pax. And that's good! Cheap! and nice! okay... for dim sum :D
What next... we checked out Topshop, and I got myself this top Eileen helped me check out, which was nice, and on sale = $23!!! yay! Loisa broke the ground with the sleeveless tunic vest top.. which is oh-so-adorable! Hahaha...
I was kinda like dressed not as normal as I usually dress when I go out with them... I know, I'm ver tom-boyish ... a little... but WHHHA?! lol.

We took pics with THE SIMPSONS! I wanna watch the movie. I bet it's damn funny... or at least I hope, coz the trailer was hilarious. Hahahahhaa... Alright then, I'm done with this post! XD