I'M NOT FIERCE!ok ok... I just totally realise I look fierce when I don't smile. -smile more smile more!!- No wonder the OG people don't recognize me... or they pretend not to! I bet they think I'm fierce or dao or both or not easy to get along with!!! -cries- ... ok. I hope none of them links to me via Loisa's blog... or whatever...
Here's what happened today... I woke up, watched tv, ate bah zhang, WENT TO SCHOOL! Nothing much was happening, then Loisa and I decided, while lazing from out Content Analysis project, to go ahead and surf some random people's blogs and friendster accts. WARHHRHR! Ok. It was stupendous... lol... ssssh...
Anyway, we went looking for Dr. Barnett to ask hime some qns about the assignment, which was so... duuuuh -_- huh? haha. That means I don't really get it. BUT anyway, we went into the lecturer's office, and there was no one! Weird. Suddenly, we heard a voice... "Who is that?" - from behind. "Who're you looking for?". Loisa, being panicky, said, "Dr. Ba...ba...ba.." and she couldn't finish the name! HAHAHAHHA! -spurts out laughin- I was like, "Barnett Barnett!" - very softly... and she "BarbarbarBARNETT!"... haahahha! gawd.. so farnney! Then, we went over and saw, it was Dr. "Baban". Get it? The "BA" factor? sheeesh. He wasn't there, so we had to come back later!
Met Eileen, and the guys who were dressed up so formally.. laugh out loud!
So we went up to find him again. (half an hour later)
WHOA! Suddenly the whole room was full of lecturers. They were all at their tables and STARING at us when we made our entrance! Like, wth?? -tensed- And one particularly weird one who kept staring. WEIRDDD. Okay.
So... we went ahead to Barnett's table, and asked the questions, with my laptop. Loisa was the one who asked! I was too.. -bleugh- hahaha. So when I flipped my laptop up, there was THE FRAY on my desktop... I just made a wallpaper... haha. And he was like, "Who's that?" - half expected that to happen... and I answered, erm, "They Fray". hmmm. Loisa said I was fierce! Wait wait. Let's see the exact words she used described me...
The atmosphere was so serious and scary that all three of us kept a terribly straight face. In fact, Jia Zhen was SO straight that she probably gave poor Dr. Barnett a fright. He asked about the wall paper on her face of her laptop, and she gave this incredulous looked, paired with a disgusted tone "THE FRAY!!!", while i muttered in the background "a band". Sheesh! Such a terrifying person this Jia Zhen is."
-- Loisa
HRMPH!hahaha... ok whatever... So we asked the questions, and we went out! Like, phew. Why are we always so tense when talking to lecturers? It's like we're not talking to normal people. HAHAHAH!
So, the psycho guys were doing some sexual harassment thing, and they were omgoodness... really sexed up with each other... freaks me out!!! Haha.. And we even guest appeared! BUT. I'm really not... UGHHH! They're gonna show our faces to the whole biz class! NO!!!
Our content analysis paper had this section, "Future Research"... so I typed, "In the future" and we just paused there... Hmm... okay, so... -blank- and suddenly Loisa started typing all these... continued with edits and inputs from dear Eileen and I, we made our own little FAIRYTALE!

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We were honestly stoned people. HONESTLY. Stoned...
Then it was a little clumsiness, a little forgetfullness, with a little luck and a packed ride home...