Whoa, time.. sorta flies doesn't it?
I checked out the making of My Chemical Romance's video, "Welcome to the Black Parade" and Gerard Way, the lead singer with the newly dyed blonde(sorta white) hair talked about the story, the idea behind the music video itself, which sort of, "COMPLETELY differ" from Ms. Sharmila's evaluation of the video for semiotics we did last time. Really.
He said, "The Patient" which is this guy, the one who died in the video, died really young. So, when he died the thing he most strongly remembered was his father bringing him to the a parade when he was a boy. So, "death comes to him" as a parade, which in this case, is the "Black Parade". Yeah... So, I've heard the album on their website, www.mychemicalromance.com. I want IT! Haha, it's kinda to my liking. An epic, sad story. Guess what, I think I wrote here before that the producer on this record was on Green Day's American Idiot as a producer too, Rob Cavallo... so American Idiot, was a rock opera, epic thingy too. Now, the story is of course totally different and the bands have different sounds but wow, I kinda like rock operas stuff like these two albums!
I'd probably get the album soon. Okay! It's ON MY LIST! I want it! The limited edition or whatever, special edition that's gonna come out!
Okay? Yeah... Anyway, the making was kinda... huge! Guess what! The director of the music video, (MCR's) is actually SAM BAYER. Ring a bell? Green Day's American Idiot music videos director! Haha... Alright. So I guess this whole thingy is gonna be cool. Yeah, I'm gonna LIKE it. :)
Oh! I just watched a video on Sandra's blog about Sexy Hermione, some Harry Potter spoof. Haha, it's funny... But really, rather..ehh, I mean, LOOK AT THE GUYS! They're just gawking at Lindsay Lohan's BOOBS! LOL. Eek, guys like that are SO superficial. Yuck. But yeah, it's just a comedy and it's funny. LOL. So you can just check it out at her blog... It's in my links page.
I have been FORGETTING about school on weekends. Really, I just wanna forget about school on weekends. But what I'm afraid of is that on Monday, I would be like, "OH NO, I'm not done with a lot of stuff". So that's not very good. Well, we'll see. Perhaps I'll just check up on it later.
Anyway, I had trouble submitting a skin earlier yesterday on Blogskins... Some random request made by "FAN", wanted me to do a Click Five skin. I did it!

But the response is lukewarm and it just slipped out of the MOST RECENT list in a little over an hour. How sad. Maybe I should just advertise it on my next skin submission! Haha, a lot of people do that, well, spice the page up a little! It's okay. Self-advertisers are a little... weird. Not that I despise them, it's like, commenting on a skin and advertising your skins on the comment box of someone else's skin submission. Not very wise. But oh well, they'll do what they want... :] I have no qualms. Just a little comment and personal thought I'd like to share. haha
My next skin would MOST PROBABLY be... My Chemical Romance, that is, on the MissJuicy- account. Yeah. I made the graphic, it's done. Just the coding that needs some more time from me. I'm a little lazy now but I'm gonna do something about it soon. Haha.
Guess what! My nails are painted again... Yes, I'm going for PUNK recently, so it's BLACK with a stripe of GREEN. Mum said it's scary. :p Haha, THAT's the LOOK I'm going for! I want some EYELINER PLEASE! I wanna look scary for a moment. It's just a phase... I know, I was in that phase for a moment when I was super into Green Day. Then I got out of that phase for a moment, kept changing, but now, I'm really into My Chemical Romance so say HELLO to goth or just... plain, and not so goth... umm, BLACKNESS. LOL. I even made another MCR skin for my blog already! But I just changed into this Panic! skin, so I'm still thinking. We'll see.