Rainbow Falls - Part ONEI'm
BACK people!
and I
Honestly, I've got LOTS to blog about. First experiences. Gee!
My whole body is ACHING! I guess, apart from using stairs everyday and climbing overhead bridges twice a day, 5 days a week and swimming once a week (I know that's not enough), I'm still really inconsistent with my "exercise". Actually, I need to get fit.
Trekking was fun. But excessively tiring especially when it was my first time. DUDE. Let me see... Oh! I was always the one who's lagging behind. Yes, unfit me. PANT PANT.
On Friday, I was rushing for EVERYTHING! First I woke up lazily at 11am then got down to my morning routine and brunch. After that, TIME TO *chiong* my assignments!!! Yep. I did 2 summaries and 1 three paragraph thingy.
English lesson was... grrr... zzz-ing boring. Nevermind. It was like, RUSH RUSH RUSH after that. Guess what I got for my mid-term for the english essay!!! 95/100! YAY! A!!! okay. *happy me*
So... here goes the outline. AND experience... and feelings... and whatever rants I wanna throw in!
Friday, 13th October 2006
I met Loisa at Jurong East mrt station! LATE late LATE.
I reached at say, 7pm. When we were supposed to be at Kranji by that time already! haha! wow. But English end at 5.30pm lah! I had to rush thru shower and dinner and wait for buses. Crappy. It's always the waiting time that's the problemo!
And so Krystel was very early while Stephanie and Eileen got lost on the way there. AIYOO~ So we hopped onto the SBS bus that brought us to the causeway. It was really jammed so we decided to walk to JB. It was my first time literally walking across from Singapore to JB.Yeah... I know a lot of people do that! The place was packed! Anyway, we passed thru' the Singapore customs and there was this funny officer who commented a lot about us! He called Loisa "boy boy", told me about where we were and when to show the form for malaysia custom. Then he commented that Krystel should change her passport photo and open up her "curtain" LOL! the HAIR. That fella must be damn bored sitting down there stamping away lah!
So after we crossed to the Malaysian customs, Loisa received a funny comment! The customs officer said, "Where's your Mummy?" or "You should be travelling with your mummy" or... something like that. I can't really remember. But. THAT was gah! LOL! It was crapp lah. I think she then referred him to the DOB at her passport. sheesh~
Next... I kinda forgot where we took a bus and where we walked... But we did walk... and then took a bus or something. I was really... *BLUR* - just followed lah. The air and noise was really BAD at the causeway. Eeeew. BAD BAD! plus the haze! GRRR!
They saw my Hello Kitty passport cover! And then.. make fun of it lah.. DUDE! I got it when I was still a primary school kid lah! It's just a cover... MAKE FUN of me... BLAH! Then the spare mickey mouse wallet I used.. was just.. spare lah! I never used it before this trip... GEEE! People thought I was some kinda Disney fan or something. Wah, like some kid lah... I feel... horrible at that comment. Totally shedding off my cool rocker image. (act! act only! haha.. so thick-skinned right?) Rex said I must be those kind of people whose plasters are all cartoon cartoon one. GAHH! *embarrassed* Totally NOT! grrr... So I rebutted with a draggy NO~ and lots of crappy comments. LOL. Oh! And I told them, yeah, my REAL wallet is also DISNEY one. NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS lah! It's scary-gothic-y whatever... So it's not CUTE-sy. I'm so not that kind. But I realised I WHINED a lot during the trip! EEK!
Anyway, the 6hrs bus ride was a little bad. It's all because we chose a WRONG SEAT! crap! Loisa and I had to endure a whole crappy journey squished behind two of our groupmates' reclined seats... For the whole time. Obviously, we were badly behind schedule. Well, we took a few photos here and there. Mary Brown etc...

MARY BROWN! The crappy fastfood place whereby the temperature in there was hotter then the temp outside! Haha, but we got our nice ice MILO there! ahhh... Then Loisa handed the cashier an EXPIRED RM1 coin! LOL-
Saturday, 14th October 2006

*test shot*

So that's Eileen and I at the coffeeshop. And I know our hairs're pretty messed up.
I think we reached the place on Saturday morning at around 6 plus~ It was ummm... dark. And we didn't rest well. But good thing was I wasn't as restless as the time I took a trip on a coach down to KL... It was super restless for me. But oh! Long coach rides... I've gone on far too many. I'm used to it.
A little brushing of teeth, the toilet and we're off to the jungle! We had 4-wheel-drives and lorries. We could choose to sit inside, or outside. So, we wanted the experience to sit OUTSIDE, behind the lorry (which was honestly, pretty dangerous as we realised). We had our pants dirtied by the planks on the lorry, had our arms scratched and faces slapped by the branches and twigs and all sorts of rubbish *lah*. It was gee, bad! But the breeze was good and the air was nice. Haiz, Eileen was stung on the head by some sort of flying bug with black and orange stripes. SCARY!
It was bumpy bumpy... (off off and away from civilisation!)
Then... we reached the flat grounds and the deep jungle after say, a 2 hrs ride clinging on for dear life! So we sat our bags down and ever since the break at Sungei Lembing, our bowel and pee systems just shut down. -.-
Yeah. The only way we could do our business was behind a bush or something. EEk! No privacy. We had to make sure the coast was clear! And we had to go together in a bunch, I think I only pee-d like twice there. It was just.. icky. All of us were a lil insecure.
OG 2!!!

Anyway, back to the stuff... The guys pitched the tents... YEP. They did. And I had a dilemma of whether to wear my track/ running shoes or to wear big bro's water sports booties. But in the end I tied my track shoes to loisa's daypack while I wore the booties. It was SO FUNNY! I was feeling so AWKWARD lah! Like some lil kid wearing funny booties. Although it's waterproof and all that, and enable me to feel the ground with my feet, OUCH! It's thin sole really made my feet hurt! So the trek was REALLY LONG... I didn't even notice the time... I just felt that it took really long. I was very slow, I know. My group was the first to set off, I think. And... they all gone off far away to the front while I walked really slowly at the back, trying to catch up. TO NO AVAIL! They were gone before my eyes. Well, everyone was assigned a partner to help us along the trek, and phew, lucky for me, I received lots of help from mine. It was so scary, my first trek... I could cry. The rocky terrain and the riverbed, everything was SO slippery. I didn't want to fall down 'cos it looked like I might just break a bone or cut myself deep if I fell on those rocks. EEW, the leeches were disgusting.
This experience I gotta tell you. I wasn't afraid of them, 'cos from the start I knew I would get 'em.
Eileen was right behind me for around the last 2/3rds of the trek. So she suddenly shouted, "IS THAT A LEECH?!" or something like that... and then I was like, "EWWW! I don't wanna look at it, get it off!" It was behind my knee. Yep, and it was FAT. So it was burnt, dead, fell to the ground, and then my leg was burnt with a cigarette. AW, crap! It hurts 'cos the cigg really scalded me!
I think I gained muscles during this trip. LOL. Haha... Oh, so the story continues...
We had 3 phases. Riverbed - rocky terrain, jungle path, huge and slippery boulders. I think the boulders were the most difficult. But the riverbed was also ridiculously tricky. Like, ouch. I think they said this was one of the easiest trek those experienced ones have been to.
I concur. 'Cos I can imagine them doing more difficult stuff. They looked like they could just breezed thru the whole thing without breaking a sweat (not literally, but you get it). LOL! I'm just slow lah... haha.
2nd leech!
Eileen Some senior spotted it while we were conquering the boulders! Haha, this time, saltwater was the remedy! All the person did was pour saltwater over the leech - which coincedentally was at the same wound from the first leech - and it dropped down. I think she said it was bleeding and bleeding.. Yeah! The blood didn't clot. It just kept bleeding. For the whole trek I had blood all over the back of my leg.
So for the rest of the trip I was known as the gal who got bitten by 3 leeches at the same spot. SO crappy lah! LOL! I haven't talked about the 3rd leech!
Loisa said I was such a drama queen. HUH?
the story continues...
I'm too tired to continue. I could write a book. I'm not even halfway thru.]
*I shall have a little cliffhanger before we continue to the
summit of Rainbow Falls*