Rainbow Falls - Part deux TWO(still Saturday, 14th October)Okay! I'm here to continue the story...
I'm afraid I might forget whatever happened, so I must be quick and finish this entry! :D
So, we were walking towards rainbow falls. And I just got bitten by two leeches. I think Eileen was a bit freaked out walking behind me. *haha* I think it's the blood. Oh well, then... I was so busy glancing down at the rocky path that hurt my sole that I did not even glanced around my surroundings to admire the beauty of mother nature. I don't think it's going to be so beautiful once it gets established as a tourist attraction. I heard it is going to be soon. :(
Imagine the rubbish shrewn all over the place...
I hope not.
At that time, I looked straight ahead. I could see a whole path of huge boulders and at the end of it, an amazing sight. It was a really high waterfall! Wow, *Shocking*. We haven't gotten up there yet, but whoa. What a sight to behold! Although it wasn't sunny enough and there weren't any rainbows on the waterfall, well... at least there's something. *sighs but never mind*...
FG asked me whether I regretted coming on this trek. I was having a pretty hard time, and I don't want to say no. So I truthfully said, "I don't know". Now that I think about it, "No." I have NO regrets. It was cool.
The boulders were REALLY SLIPPERY and wow, I had a hard time. I had to get pulled up almost every boulder
lah~ At this time, we started to snap photos and all that. I've got one here! Look at our exhausted faces!
So we continued... ONWARD! Until, wow. The foot of Rainbow Falls itself. The breeze was really strong, water was splashing everywhere and it was gasping cold. The water was pretty clear and there were prawns in the water! WOOW. So when we reached, Eileen and I took a few pictures then she stayed at the dry area while I went splashing down into the water. *LOVE* It was just ... nice and refreshing especially after a trek, to just get wet in freshwater. Loisa, Steph and Krystel were already in the water so I went in and I had to swim through a pretty deep part. I was a little scared I might step on something or knock into rocks while swimming. So Loisa came and we swam together into the pool, nearing the base of the waterfall where the water collapsed onto the rocks.
I knocked onto a huge piece of rock and I was like, phew it was a slight knock. I went to join the rest of my group and leaned against the rock wall that is the back of the waterfall. Anyway, I took a look at my leech wound, 'cos I haven't seen what it's like. I think I saw a leech but I was eek! I freaked out so I just ignored it. 'Cos it LOOKED DISGUSTING okay! I think it really was another leech. (later, we confirmed it)
I just reached and was admiring everything around but it was pretty cold there and the my groupmates have been there for quite a long time already, so they said they were going to go back to the dry bank... But then I said, "But I just got here!". *haha* So they said stay there for another 15 minutes. *grins!*
I saw another leech... TRYING to attach itself onto my thigh. Luckily I swept it away before it attached. So is that considered a fourth leech? Anyway, back to the waterfall...
It was nice, we took some pictures with some of their underwater waterproof cameras. I wonder when we can get the pics! We don't even know those people, but the pictures I think, were pretty nice! haha... So they were *brrr* shivering cold but I was still "cold but not up shivering cold". LOL. Then after some whiling and admiring, we went back to dryland to squeeze our t-shirts. HAHA. I had a hard time following up. I mean, a few of them were walking the rocky paths way, which was uneven and difficult. But I wanted to just swim across. Problem was, no one was swimming across with me! I'll be odd lah. It's scary 'cos I couldn't see the base of the pool.
Then we went to chill and have a little bit of food. I had no appetite lah! I just wanted to sleep. *haha* But we did take a few photos with my weather-proof camera! It was nice... see! Oh! I lost my hairband and rubberband in the pool! Crappy! :(

That's at the Falls. Before I went into the water, and then after coming out. Check out the ugly hair with the hairband! LOL-

I snapped this! Look at the grandeur of the fall! If only there was a rainbow. *sighs*
The Base...

So we ate a few biscuits here and there and after awhile, took a whole group photo. Group 2 was the one to start off first again... oh man. This time, Loisa took the yellow daypack with my track shoes tied to it while I slinged my waistpouch across my back. It kept sliding to the front as I was climbing along the boulders lah! And as we walked past everyone to start the descend, our legs were all wobbly and shivering. I heard someone commenting in mandarin, saying our legs were all wobbly and unstable already. I agree! It was a little embarassing! I struggled a little over the first boulder. Luckily, I had someone to pull me up and teach me how to go down. On the way up, I was taught many things, so I learnt a lot about what to grab onto, what not to grab onto, where to step on and where not to step on. It was good! Hmmms... then... OH! My trekking partner volunteered to carry my waistpouch for me, then turned to Loisa, who was behind me, and offered to carry her yellow kiddy daypack. [Now that I think about it, I think I looked damn suku when I carried her daypack lar!] HAHA, we both said, YES! *yay! - phew! - THAT was NICE*
I think he manages really well, so he can carry so many stuff. Haha... Though I saw him slipped a few times. I think everyone did lah. It was so SLIPPERY. Oh well... Hmm, so Loisa told me she will trek behind me. But then off she went after awhile, far far ahead! I was darn slow lah... Krystel also went far far ahead. But they went to the alternative route! Instead of going into the jungle, which was much easier than the riverbed, 'cos there wasn't any stones, they went to walk along the rocky paths! -crazy!!- I was perspiring a whole lot, dripping dripping wet all the way down. I kept wondering why everyone was so dry, I was really super wet! And I kept dripping sweat. I lost my stick when going up so I had to get a new one. Luckily Steph, who was behind me, found two! One for her and one for me. LOL. It was such a great help, the stick. It was like another leg to help support. Going down the boulders was practically squatting down and manouvering with all fours... Really. I was so afraid of falling down 'cos the only thing I could fall on was rocks and more rocks. Imagine, OUCH. After the trip, I realised I didn't get any bruises at all, while so many girls got bruises all over their legs. Haha, probably because I walked really slowly... and carefully...
I tripped over branches, slipped down boulders, fell a lot, grabbed onto a weak plant and almost fell down a slope if not for someone behind grabbing me and I think I looked like some weak bumbling clumsy person! *embarrassed*
Anyway, soon almost everyone overtook and as we were reaching, or so I thought, I found that there were more of these similar river paths... It was neverending I tell you! NEVERENDING! - for a moment - quite a long moment, that is. Rex told me my stick was too short. - . . . - and I had just ignorantly refused an offer to receive a longer stick just a few moments ago. CRAP! *grrrr* So, I took a break and drank some water...
Then not long after, we reached the river! The one where we started the trek! I was so so longing for a dip in the cooling water of the river! As I walked across the guy who overtook us when I drank water, he called me to turn around and he looked at the back of my knee, the place where I got bitten twice by the leeches. I think he took a branch and swept it across my wound, then wiped the icky stuff on the ground.
confirmation... of another leech. ICKY! I think I accidentally squished it. So it's dead. haha~ Then he put some alcohol on my wound. And his partner, the girl, said that he actually noticed it quite long ago already... just that he didn't said it out. I won't be freaked out lah. Not anymore... :D
So, I stumbled with shivering legs along the rocky path towards the gals with two bags in hands. Haha, I think I made a fool out of myself. I must've looked really pathetic. Haha... So I threw the stuff to Loisa! No lah... I asked her to help me carry my waistpouch while I carried her daypack. That's because we were going to cross a waist-deep river with a strong current. I told her, "PLEASE DON'T FALL" - cos my valuables and everything are all inside! But luckily I ziplocked my stuff. 'cos you know what happened? She sneezed and then she FELL. It was.. uhhh.. funny. *BAHHHhaha* oops
So she got wet. I was itching to just submerge myself in the water lah! But... I was carrying the daypack.. and was too tired to do any extra stuff and so I just walked and walked across the river. I saw a leech! In the water! EEK!! But it was far away. Haha... anyway, we walked all the way back to the campsite and I immediately changed to slippers! FINALLY! I just sat down and slept a bit. I was SO SO sleepy. From then onwards, it was just free time until the 3am in the morning. But anyway, still got a lot of stories... So we wanted to sleep... badly, but we were all muddy and dirty. I just sat on my huge ziploc bag and almost dozed off, while the guys were pitching another tent. HAHA... then they had to shift the tent that they first pitched to the side of the road 'cos it was not sensible to pitch a tent in the middle of the road, with the seniors citing "spiritual reasons". So... they took out all our belongings, shifted the tent, and then put the guys bag in the pink tent which they just pitched and the gals' belongings into the bigger, blue tent. HAHA... gals in blue tent while guys in pink tent. So funny.
They cooked a bit of maggi mee, with egg and all that... and I think we were the only group with an icebox. I think we had the best food. But it was I think, only 2 or 3pm, it was really early... so it was considered lunch lah. It was not bad. After that, we took a bit of Krystel's chicken biscuits, which was quite nice! I gulped down LOTS and LOTS of water. So thirsty!
After that, we just felt like sleeping. But Louis told us to go bathe first, 'cos it's supposedly not so healthy to sleep when we are so dirty and all that or something like that... ok ok.. so we gals went marching down to the river quite soon after seeing all the guys collecting piles of dry wood to build a campfire. The river water was absolutely... COLD! And we there were people bathing there already. Of course, we went in fully-clothed with our soap bottles and all that. All of them had a whole bunch of toiletries but all I took in my hand was a bottle of fruity kiddy top-to-toe wash. It was really for convenience sake. Haha... It was really cool, the experience of bathing in the river. How ancient is that man?! I was thinking of all those "gu dai" shows I watched on tv... where people go to the river to bathe. Oh, but then people in poorer countries still do bathe in the rivers. The water was really fresh and ok, as I said, shivering cold. We all didn't dare to dip ourselves in at first, then those people who were already in there started splashing at us... BRRR! We just stood down there and closed our eyes while hugging ourselves. Haha.. Then we went towards the rocky blocks where we bunch sat and started washing up.
We really spent LOTS of time in the river, 'cos it was so refreshingly nice and wah... the water eventually got okay to sit in. We were like, ONE TWO THREE, go in!!! Haha... then we chatted while soaping up... and it was funny cos when we wanted to wash off the shampoo, it was quite difficult. There was a current and also, when we lay back to wash our hair, our legs would come up and we'd loose our footing. It was so funny seeing everyone tumble.
I'm so sorry! I still have to put a
[to be continued!] . . .
there're really LOTS to write about! ha. And wow, I'm not even done with Saturday.
Time for UGC homework! -gah-