Okay, I'm pretty impressed with this article:
[ + click to expand and read]

Credits: http://www.gerardbutler.net/
BUT, whoever said the film was absolutely accurate and incredibly realistic?
It is, based on a comic book.
Haha... So I think it's really funny.
OHHH! Guess what time I woke today!
1.50+ going to 2pm.
GOODNESS... Okay, it was a very nice, long sleep. SO satisfying. I don't get to sleep till late for weekdays.
I'm just surfing some sites and all... I shall update the fanlistings portion in my blog - with ACTORS! Yep, actors. I'm gonna put David Wenham, Gerard Butler... and lets see how many more I can find... maybe... *Tom Wisdom* !!! haha
ok ok, let me tell you yesterday's story.
Loisa and I were supposed to meet at Dover at 11.10am - GUESS WHAT. We both met at around 11.35am. Sweet eh. Both of us were late. ('coz we had to "bake cakes" - the nature way)
Then, I think I gave myself too much attention by fiddling with my handphone A LOT in the mrt, then looking around, and when it reached Dover, stuck my head out when the door was closing, and then rushing back in before proceeding (more like fumbling through the moving train in my heels - I'll tell you why there's the heels and all part later) to find Loisa in the orange section of the backside of the train. It was crappy luuh... So many people were STARING. It was like weird. Okay.
SO. We talked, and I kept getting out of balance. The proposed meeting time was 11.45am at Cineleisure Orchard - of course it didn't get through - everyone was late, lol. OKAY... What else... OH! Great, when it reached Raffles Place, we were still chatting away in the train; then, the door closing sound came on, we looked out, and then we rushed out - yeah, we realised at the last minute. That's real "blur". Oh... Right, we missed the Somerset stop, and went to Orchard, so we had to ride the train back to Somerset again - *faints*
The exciting part*
On our way there, we were thinking of how to get the M18 tix for 300 and whatever questions the box office officer would ask us. So it was a little nerve-wrecking, we absolutely didn't want to be rejected. When we got to the 5th floor, we approached an empty ticket counter. I hesitated and asked, "Are you ready?"; so another person went ahead of us and we had to wait. At that point of time, a security officer came along to that counter and I don't know what he did, but knowing Loisa's "affinity" with security guards, we headed to the counter at the far left.
"Who's asking?", I asked.
"You?", Loisa replied - or something like that.
"Hi, blah blah blah" - good afternoon, what shows you wanna watch or something, I can't remember what she said.
"3 tickets to 300 please"
*a moment of blur*
*I had to repeat*
"Choose your seats"
"Okay, I need to see 3 I.D.s for the three tickets"
"Our friend isn't here yet"
"How old is she?"
me: "19, or is it..." - it's 20! How can I still be living in 2006?! crap.
L: "19. NO NO NO! 20" - something like that, some *moments of blur*
counter: "ok."
*Loisa takes out her identification (UBSIM card), hands to the counter staff*
*I fumbled with my bag*
counter: "What's your birth month?" - after checking the ic number, which says S89XXXXXX.
L: February
Then I passed her my UBSIM card, being mentally prepared for the same question, I said...
"March, just passed"- with a very natural smile, lol
L: yeah, that's why we're celebrating her birthday
*looks suspiciously*
No problems...
*chooses seats, pays $$$*
*walked calmly to the lift, got into it...*
"YEAH! WHOA! AHHHHAHA" - *hyperventilate* totally excited. =]
Then we got ourselves some food, met Eileen after some missed calls from her - haha, oops!
Took the lift up, went to the toilet, missed the first 5minutes, scrambled into the theatre and watched the glorious show.
Crap. It's only Restricted 15 years and above in U.S.