[All "today"s refer to 21st March 2007]
I got like an uber-duber surprise when I opened the mailbox when I came home from school today!!!
*look at the left one!* - it's Wentworth Miller! I know, he's really EVERYWHERE. Getting really really popular now. The media has been featuring him a lot!
Of course, yours truly is going ga-ga over him. I think I'm getting all konked up.
So I made a skin today... Well, it isn't exactly finished yet... I haven't added my "watermark" or anything. And of course, it's uncoded, still.

By the way, UHM. If you wanna know what I've been up to in the school in computer lab today, check out
LOISA.blogspot.com and see her 3 posts on
March 21st. It's really... Okay, I was really ... I don't know. I am totally speechless, lol. I know, I had to have some fun. =]
By the way, I really think I should buck up for school. Ever since the exams were over, I've been slacking too much. TOO MUCH! I need to do some work! I do not feel at ease. But the mind's just thinking... NO WORK* NO work* I DON'T WANT ANY WORK.
Gotta get over that. I was SO SO SO sleepy in class today. Haha... I know we all are. OH well. I think I should REALLY sleep NOW. 1am is a good time to sleep. GOTTA wake early tomorrow to study some UGC 112 in case... Prof Peters... you know, do that thing she does and gives us a *POP* quiz. Speaking of POP, you really gotta check this video out. OMGoodness... It's SO darn FUNNY. Can't stop laughing about it.
POP - Pop! Goes My HeartAnd for those who've already watched the video... and can't get enough to laugh at, it's time you feast your eyes on these:

Gotta download it?! ('coz you can't get enough?!)
Just click on them, then do the stuff you do with the right-click and save picture thing.
LOL! Okay, really gotta sleep now. It's 1.43am!!! OH MAN. It sure took long to download the vids and make those animations.
Good Night!![and I don't know if it's because my bandwidth for my photobucket account has exceeded - I can't seem to access the album! And sometimes the pics don't load]