Well... I'm blogging in the computer lab now... Like, "great", COM217 is cancelled. Good thing I didn't study for the supposed test that would be held today. Uhm... people are pissed, yeah. haha... Uhm, I <3 MUSIC AND LYRICS!!! It's so nice lah! Well, it's Hugh Grant, and it's Drew Barrymore! *yippee* It's romantic, there's music and they sing. Just that... I think Cora is absolutely WEIRD. Though Haley Bennett's voice is quite alright. I don't like Cora's songs... What Buddha's Delight..? what rubbish.
Last friday was crazy. I took the last train and last bus home all the way from Orchard. JUST because... I decided to stay out late. AND... I didn't take note of the time. So I thought we'd be on our way to the MRT station at 11pm. Well, people can be very "mo" - slow and uhm... indecisive? Haha... So! I panicked a whole lot '
cos no one could fetch me home! But... the following is... funny. Gah.
I reached Clementi mrt station at around 12.15am and then I checked out the info board, which says the last bus I can take home, 154 is at 0022! Like, phew. So I waited... good thing the bus came soon. LAST BUS! Quite accurate eh. So I phoned HY to come out and bring me home. I thought that he would reach the bus stop before I reached. BUT NO! So I looked at the dark, sandy path when the bus pulled over and I COULDN'T SEE ANYONE! So I expected he would have taken the brighter path. BUT NO!
There was this young, decent looking young guy who was rollerblading. So I followed him. Funny... he took real long to climb the stairs of the overhead bridge. I was so afraid he'd fall down on me so I walked on the left side. UHM.... when I crossed the bridge, I took a look at the dark path, and since I didn't see ANYONE (I thought I could meet them up halfway along my way back - not wanting to be a sitting duck in the darkness of that particular bus-stop), I went along the back path, well... near the train track and just sped all the way across. took me... a few strides? Haha... Was panicky, kept looking all around me! FINALLY... when I reached the *brighter* path, I looked ahead... BUT SAW NO ONE! Why?! They must've walked the dark path. I thought that was really .. haha... funny. AND dangerous. So I called home, and no one picked up. Then HY called. Right. Different path we were taking...
MUM went with him... well, didn't expected that! What else... Went home and took a very good shower. =]
I went to PONTIAN (Malaysia) yesterday! So nice. I saw my grand-uncle and family, who were very nice, and Chi Chi, their fluffy cat - VERY CUTE! *sigh* He's come down with cancer. BUT he could still walk! And he's not very weak... Though... It's sort of the... last stage... sigh... Had lunch and then shopped at a supermarket. Some stuff were really cheap! And guess what... we found HONEYDEW Vitagen! How cool is that? We don't even have it here in Singapore. NU-UH... I shall upload a picture soon. It's GREEN! Haha... nice, light green. I wanna go to Pontian and shop again. I heard the Converse shoes are cheap. We could eat bubblegum there, and I bought the spicy tapioca chips. HAWT. We got LOTS of food. Actually, junk food... But.. yeah.