Well people,
Happy New Year!
It's the third day of the 2007. Brand New Year.
Well, '06 was a pretty defining year for me. I made many choices, gain some things, lost some things, got through it alive and BOOM here comes another year. =] I get worried about lotsa stuff too, but ain't it all part of life? Oh mostly it's $ for survival. But I guess I shouldn't think so much about it 'cos I ain't the one bringing home the bacon.
bloody or not haha.How did you guys spend New Year's Eve?
I was home all day till the evening. We went to Orchard and it started to get pretty wild after 11+pm. Actually, we reached around 10pm+ and big bro and I went walking around Orchard. From the Swensens at
Crown Park Hotel to Far East Plaza and a U-turn back from Pacific Plaza thru Lido. Well, at least I used my Lime Royal Card ONCE. Gelatissimo ice-cream. Yeap. *licks lips* It tasted great. $5 for a big cup with 3 flavours!

Then by the time we got back, we got ready for the BATTLES that were going to take place. Orchard was a MESS. And the snow
patrol **spray flew off the boxes quickly; everyone got "dirty", actually sprayed with snow. Well, it was a pretty sight. But the smell was unbearable and it stings eyes. Well, we got attacked one too many times. But we had our share of fun. Sweet revenge. HEHE*
But the crappiest thing was the molesting. It sucks. Girls at the front were attacked by Banglas and robbed of their modesty. Shiat. SO the guys bashed those a**holes up. effin bad. But it's still crapped up, they should be arrested, dang it.
Lotsa police though, on that night.
Well, the police asked us to pack up around 1+, 2am and so the crowd was dispersed and the rubbish cleaned up. (lotsa RUBBISH) - the floor was exceptionally slippery with foam too. Lotsa people FELL. Embarassing yeah. Haha. But no, I did not fall.
Then, we went to have supper, the 20+ of us, at Swensens. I was so so tired then. LOL. But supper was YUM-MY. The bill came to around S$400. WHOA! Carmen and Alvin treated the lot though and we had free drinks. =] Nice.
So we left around 4+ and reached home at say, 5am? I took a shower and blow-dryed my hair before getting to sleep at 5.30am. WOW. haha. Guess what time I woke on New Year's Day? 3pm I think. That's crazy.
crazy over these:
Hot SONGs. Both are from
SSX: On Tour.
okgo.net &
myspace.com/okgo - you gotta check out the
Here it Goes Again &
A Million Ways to be Cruel vids.