Oh man! Exams are coming. Guess what... birthday's coming too! Oh man. I'm going to be 17 soon! Haha.
Ok, well, yesterday was fun! I went to HMV with Loisa to get MCR's "Limited Edition" album. But ****, they can't get that anymore, and they've run out of stock. SIGH** The only way to get that now would be ONLINE. But crap, it's not cheap! US$39.99!!!
What to do?!
But I got myself a birthday present... to myself! haha, does it sound a little sick? No lah. It's really nice, and I really like it... A 2007 OFFICIAL GREEN DAY CALENDER! It looks SO GOOD. I'm getting on the Green Day mood once again. Eileen got me a Green Day t-shirt from Bangkok. I'm like... ARHHHH! That rocks!

Anyway, I've just submitted an MCR skin on blogskins ->
clickI like the blending and all but somehow it hasn't garnered much comments. Let's see how it does. My younger bro just rated it 5/5 verbally! YAY.
Hmmm... About yesterday, - since I didn't do much today apart from looking at the computer screen at home - it was really tiring. We circled HMV for 1 hour or so and got into air-slapping each other and whatever. But anyway, I'd like to really THANK her for accompanying me to Orchard! That's really nice. So we went around the place a bit, to Wisma, then to Borders and finally caught 2 buses to school. It was supposed to be a group study, but I think we didn't do much yesterday. It wasn't very accomplishing at all. *sigh* But I had to go to school to hand in my research paper anyway.
The new timetable's up. I haven't gone through it precisely yet. We'll see. But exams are coming next week, apart from the one I shot down with much confidence on Tuesday, the CSE 111 (Computer Science) exam.
Anyway, we took a few pictures at our school's rooftop yesterday. Oh, not to mention... some videos too! The clouds were really nice, and I just realised that the school was facing quite a dense "jungle". I really couldn't see anything beyond except for trees, trees and more trees! It was a little creepy. But anyway, nothing much but a lot of crapping.

That's the view from my school's rooftop. SWEET.

So, we went home quite early, I reached at around 6plus.

The view from the overhead bridge near my house is FAB. The clouds always look different and sunset looks great. The best time to take pictures is in the evening I guess, 'cos that's usually the time I get to see really nice views when the weather is good.

Yesterday's sunset was really pretty. I had to snap a picture then!
Anyway, watched ep. 21 of prison break when I got back home. It was so exciting man! I was grabbing onto my seat. I tell you, by the end of the show, I was like... woah.
Okay, then I went to Orchard again, at night, with my family. It was for dinner, we had some Swensens vouchers etc. I've got to show you the pictures of the ice-creams! It was GREAT... ahhh, *bliss* hahaha...

Anyway, I've finally finished watching season 1 of Prison Break! I shall get season 2 from Eileen after she finish watching it!!! hahaa... then perhaps I could get some dvd-r and burn a copy for Loisa. RIGHT?! lol. Or not, she can have it first if she wants. I'm gonna stay away from Prison Break until after the exams.
Spotted this in SIM or Raffles Place? *shocking* advertisement isn't it?