1) Schedule Sandra? Uhm... I have a study break for exams next week. Just don't plan anything next monday and tuesday. :] Probably Thursday or Friday would be okay.
2) Jo, I was talking about this camera. Is it in Sims 2? Or is it a custom object?

Either it is, or I keep missing it whenever I flip through the "Buy Objects" catalog. Haha...
EXAMS ARE COMING! GAH... panic panic...
I'm gonna spend my time reading psychology and trying to figure out the Com 101 notes which are, in fact, really really messy! UGC?! ARGHhh! Essay and I've gotta whole lot to read. I must score for that! haha. What else... hmm... Psychology... ah! cse is crazy crazy ... next tuesday! Alright, enough about the exam rants.
I've gone to check out MCR's album twice. They've got it in black version and white version. I think the white one looks nicer. Haha... but I'm not gonna get it yet. I'm thinking of getting the "Life on the Murder Scene" one with their dvds and some bonus songs... COOL!
Anyway, what else... PRISON BREAK! Had a marathon yesterday... watched 5 episodes straight with short breaks in between. Now I've laid my hands on disc 2 so it's time to continue. But of course, we still gotta do the evaluation of prison break for com 101... And I haven't watch Erin Brokovich and Bridget Jones Diary 2!!! *dang-dang-dang-dang*
Somehow, there seems to be so much work. My research essay should be improved on! I'll do it now...
OK... OK...
WATCH "STEP UP"! Nice movie, watched it on Monday with Eileen and Loisa. Haha... Channing Tatum! You know, I'm not into hip-hop so much but some songs from the soundtrack are pretty good. OOH! We bought some really cute erasers from *what u call that... * OH! Daiso... the everything $2 shop.
Wanna see? okay!

That's my ez-link card. Yes. It's that tiny.

Yes! The lid can be taken out!

You got that right! The "noodles" can be removed! And they're all rubber except for the label stickers.
Ain't it adorable?! haha~
That's about it...
I'm off!