COM 101 down.
PSY 101 down.
3 more papers to go!
What are these???
CSE 111 - tomorrow!!!
ESL 408 - ahhh!
UGC 111 - oh man....
Okay, umm... hey, today Loisa didn't bring her jacket. LOL, so I lent her my trademark IP Zone 'Protect the Environment' jacket. :) See? Such a fine soul.
LOL. I'm joking...
Wanna know what's my MSN nick?
"Hair like a mop"
HAHA... yes, I think it's time I got a haircut. HIGH TIME.
Anyway, about the jacket. My bright blue/green, turquoise jacket! It's super bright. YES. Jocelyn came into UGC class late and then she was wondering 'why the person sitting beside "Jia Zhen" - (actually Loisa wearing my jacket) looks like Jia Zhen?'.
HAHA, what a joke. I laughed. :)
Oh, and I had to tell you that. Yeah. I laughed. :) OUT LOUD.
Actually, I was faced with a really awkward dilemma. 'Cos Elizabeth asked me to help her pass her econs notes to this senior of ours... because she didn't get to see him today. And I had his number, so I offered to help by offering her his number! But, no...! She didn't want his number. So?
I help lah...
See how gracious a person I am? (background: pooi! pooi! -haha, I KNOW...)
*cough cough*
Well, so I help lah... They have an econs quiz tomorrow... And it was SO WEIRD. GAH.
So I have to hand it personally to him tomorrow. I was pretty troubled with lots of stuff, so when he called in response, 'cos I asked him when I can pass it to him, I was totally zonked - blur, blur, blur - He asked me whether I could do the questions! LOL, I told him, I didn't take econs!!!
-_-" diao... Ok ok... UHM...
Yah, so I'm gonna go to school at 8.30am tmr to chiong for computer science. YAY, how merry is that?
I'm tired.