GRADUATION (whatever you call it) yet?
Yeah I'm probably one of the last few who's doing it only after, say... how long was it? A week already?! More than that?! And I've already had studio photos taken. Whoot. Kinda feeling the crunch now. It wasn't all that great. The gown was so heavy! The excitement of getting to see all your friends and lecturers in their funny little gowns is probably all there is to it. Yeah, and we didn't even get the certificate, thanks!
Well, still I'm pretty psyched that I've finally graduated, well not finally cos' hey! I took the fast route. I'm 19 now. AND I HAVE A DEGREE. How accomplishing is that?! It feels freaking darn good! What else? Oh! Photos! Argh. Already posted so many in Facebook... still hoping that Blogger incorporates that system so uploading photos won't be such a chore. Again, I complain. Sigh-ness! What to do?
-coming soon after I'm done with scrapblog-
What have I done so far?
Hang around at home - check
Watch movies - check
Keep going out with Mom and Da Yi - check
Yoga - check
Jogging @ track - check
Hamsters are taken care of - check
Shopping - check
Like, I've been slackerooni all this while. It's really stupid. However, I don't know if it's just me, I don't wanna get a stupid job doing stupid things and getting the pay and that's it. If I don't like the freaking job, I don't even want to stay on. So Recruit Express, the admin positions are just plain stupid. Time to do my own work if I wanna get my dream job. No one gets what they want for their first job unless they are geniuses or have people pulling strings and stuff. Or maybe just wit, chances, and pure luck.
Still, I'm hanging on to a quote.
Oh well.
Glad Eileen asked me along to visit some art galleries at Chinatown yesterday. I plucked lots of fantastic art on the lil' postcards and brochures they had lying on the floor.
Utterly Art <3

Forth was sadly not exhibiting any artworks yesterday, so! We got a brochure of what's coming up this Friday... that is... LKY "Singapore Guidance Angel". It's really queer to me why they chose the word "guidance" instead of "guardian", I mean yeah I kinda get it but it's a little not so smooth with the tongue. LOL. Okay, whatever.
- $6 for Students to see the Singapore Coins and Notes Museum! Quick! And you get a free coin souvenir too, which is awesome. Haha... Go go go! Personal tour guide and we got the whole museum to ourselves when we went there. Though, the thing is it's pretty hard to find in my opinion cos' it's like tucked in this little corner, behind the coffeeshop. Pretty cool decor, though. And it just opened on 1st of July. Hardly anyone knows about it. What else what else? Oh! Downside is it's really really small for a museum - more like a collector's lounge hahaha. I <3>

Latte just woked up!!