We got our syrian hamsters last night! It was total total drama, I tell you. ANYWAY, they've got their names!
Coffee, Mocha, and Latte. LOL!!! I was thinking caramel would sound nice too, but then let's just keep the syllables down to two 'aight? That was after a long time deciding between Peach, Snow White, Chocolate, etc.
So far, so good... they know how to groom themselves with the bath sand... problem is, they also use that as a peeing spot. They're kinda getting into little fights in the afternoon,too, when they're sleepy so I don't know, maybe it's time to separate them soon. 2 months old so far... We've only got one cage and I just found out yesterday that we're keeping two. However, there're three in the cage right now... they're so cute!!! One is going to my bro's gf, but I'm thinking keeping so many is gonna make us really busy. Yeah, the two ladies... they're the ones going in to the little scuffles. Play fighting much?
Photos photos~~

Coffee and Mocha Sleeping together~

Coffee having a bite in there.
Latte the pretty big lady will be uploaded sooooon~ lol
We took tons of pictures with the Sony camera but it's really irritating to upload, 'cos HY lost the memory card reader in freaking Washington D.C.!!! -strangles, strangles, strangles-
Only problem I have with them now is that I need to buy 1 more hamster wheel, so that they don't have to like go crazy over one hamster ball at the top of the cage. And, I need toys to not keep them bored, 'cos they keep gnawing on the cage bars, which I read is really really bad for them. Plus maybe 2 hamheads so they would have places to hide in.
I need a trip to Daiso sooooon!
- toys
- 1 silent wheel
- chew stuffs
- hamhead houses
Dwarves seem to be able to cope well without getting too bored but I don't like seeing these syrians gnaw at the cage bars... totally bad. More wheels more wheels!