PART 2Oh part 2 of the orientation! lol.. it's like, well. I don't quite feel the blog thing coming on about this but still, part 2 as it should be...
RIGHT. BIG COACH. We had a super nice sleep all the way from Orchard to Changi! So nice. IT was slow, and the aircon was whee~
But the moment we reached, it was.. bleh, blah. bleugh.
Until we had dinner... that wasn't too fabulous. And then came stoning time at our beloved pillar.
Poor Krystel was feeling so tired, she went all pale. In the end, she went home and didn't had to take a forfeit for her group. YOU LUCKY! lol... Loisa and I had to take charge of the group, although we didn't have to do forfeit with them.
But I guess the group .. 13 it was, was really bonded already. THUS, we didn't have to go and lead them... they could so obviously follow instructions and lead themselves. Right. So we were just figureheads.
Then came the lame games... and the rubbish ghost stories, and the night-morning walk. It started like around 2am, and ended at 5+ going to 6. VERY dumb! solo walk for 80+ 90 juniors... and the leaders... LIKE what?! Oh of course it would drag to morning.
HMMS... so the whole night we were just zombified.
So Loisa and I went to the nightwalk... in the morning. It wasn't scary at all lah. And they said it till it was shiver me timbers kinda scary. Like -.-
Just that, Loisa and I wanted to scare the peeps in front of us. SO, we went to this tree to hide, and creep slowly. Then, one of the stationmasters, who was hiding some dumb places, actually, not intentionally hiding, but we couldn't see them, just like, "oei" or something... and it freaked the heck out of Loisa and I, to the extent of freaking screaming! Yeah. HOW embarassing is that?! GAWD!
The rest was alright... Fantastic view from the 2nd level of the chalet. It was whoa... the sunrise, just absolutely gorgeous. =] I loved it. Although, we slept there afterwards... coz we had to wait for the coach, which came at 8.45am. We slept at around 7am.. Or so...
Showered, ate, slept. I loved my bed ever so dearly...
Hahaha. But we had to pack off for the Intercontinental Hotel!!! It was 1 room free and another room for 1/2 the normal price, so our whole family went there to sleep overnight. It was so cool. The photos!!!

I looked really bad... coz I was so so so tired and slow...
But we went to the hotel gym's hot tub!!! OMGOSH... that was the life i tell you! that was freaking... nice. And then the sauna...! CRAZY! Afterwards, the pool, and the jacuzzi... I tell you... it was just totally awesome!
*grins very very widely*
For dinner we had Swensens! So filling. It was well-deserved I tell you.
Then... came the chat ... coz we had internet in the hotel room, and my laptop was with me =]
Sleep... was pretty GREAT! Kinda fabulous I tell you!
Soft bed... soft pillow... *ahhhh*
NEXT DAY! We had super nice breakfast - actually the muffins rock - in the olive tree restaurant.
Shopping!!! I bought a bag at Bugis Street!
IN MY NEXT POST. I WILL REMEMBER! and then... today's badminton... crazy. will post... prolly tmr with the zoo post! yep, going to the zoo!
[to be continued]