Orientation 07 PART 1DAY ONEYes! I'm finally updating. Well, I really lost track of time. Alright. Today is a monday, 7th May 2007. Let's see... Friday 4th May was... 3 days ago. Right. Time flies. Pretty amazing. Ok, I shall stop saying that. It pretty much gets on people's nerves aye? Haha... Lemme see. Friday morning, 9am, I got myself up and went to school, preparing for perhaps some fun being a station master helper at the UBSIM Freshman Orientation 2007. I wasn't enthusiastic at all. I was in fact pretty much unpsyched about it! Alright. So it was really really extremely boring and sian. The moment we stepped into the room where all the event organizers and OGLS were held, we were pretty overwhelmed by everyone's rushy and super-enthu attitude. But we weren't phazed. Still, since we were pretty much IGNORED, we were pretty much BORED. Yes. BORED.
It was TERRIBLE. I felt horrible, pathetic, everything. Loisa and I, same sentiments. Coz we were HELPERS, EXTRAS, unneeded. Right?
If you say so.
Now that I wonder, could it have been better if we had just HECKED care, and PRETEND PRETEND to be thick-skinned, extras... and just, HEY! wah.. hmm.. then walked big shot-ly into the room and sat our butts on the chairs instead of placing them on the floor beside the door, unobtrusive, invisible, and beside the dustbin, acting all pathetic...
LOISA!!! WE SHOULD HAVE DONE THAT LAH! I feel so idiotic now can?
We looked like such assies.
UGH~ ~ Then again, there was the "genre difference". We were helpers, station masters. Our friends, none of them who were there, were like US. They were all OGLS! FRIENDS! you have abandoned us! haha.. joking. So, we were pretty much alone for most of the time. Just Loisa and I staring at each other and doing our own thing throughout the entire camp. Right.
We had to wait in VAIN for like dunno how long in the stupid butt-crackin position in the stupid dreaded spot till around 10+... before we were called in to attend some kinda briefing. Right. I think... perhaps it was from this moment on we didn't felt too bad. Finally, we got some STUFF to do. 2 sheets of paper. We were stationed at G, Paragon, and were assigned some dumb game - sorry Alex, but the game, it wasn't feasible. At all. I don't even bother tryna' explain it can?
Alright. So our equipment - SAF CAMOU CREAM!!! That was cool. But one thing- we were both in our own clothing. How are the groups in the "Amazing Race" going to identify US?! HOW HOW? heh. Then Sanjiv the president passed me a LARGE - huge - Orange spare OGL tee. Right. 2 bucks gone! *sobs*... We were... alright, identifiable. VERY identifiable.
We grabbed like what... packaged bottles of Newater - litres and litres, I tell you, it was just one word - heavy. And we headed to the pick-up. YES. A LORRY!

So we headed to Centrepoint, Orchard.
Then, we went for a SHOPPING SPREE! Loisa and I got chocs, sweets, and insect repellent. AT CENTREPOINT! Halls from 7-eleven, chocs from cold storage and insect repellent from Guardian. Guess what - all PROMOTION STUFF or CHEAPEST ones. LOL. we're such aunties.
Mcdonalds was OKAY. But the Macs place was kinda cool. OH WAIT! Why didn't I like tell you all?! Go see the lop dwarf rabbit at Pet Lovers Centre at Centrepoint basement can?! It's FREAKING ADORABLE! I WANNA BRING IT HOME! Please~~
Okay. Next... we had to go to Paragon to recee the place, do some homework and find out how we should get the game going. Guess what. It was a total rush. We went from security guard game thing, to price tag thing in Metro, and finally settled on Treasure Hunt. With ME as the TREASURE. I had to hide somewhere along the railings of Paragon, and the teams would have to find me! But only 2 from each team could play. The rest will take part in the "winners shall paint losers' face with camou".
So the day passed, we got bored... we got happy, we got sianed. We stood in the sun, we hid in the shade... we played, I ran around paragon, we ate Old Chang Kee food - darn I should've gotten a curry puff. I crave it NOW!
Here are the PICS we took ... These were the water bottles we had to carry from Centrepoint to Paragon, with our hands full and bags heavy. So what? ARM muscle strain lah!!!


I find a lot of people, tourists, getting pictures taken at the fountain... so we did the same too - lol! And a lot of people thought that we were selling water. So they asked us how much! lol... and the camou cream too! Also, we had people coming up to us asking to sell us perfume. Like, sorry lah. I'm REALLY not interested. LOL. I have so much perfumes at home, courtesy of my da yi - big aunt.
Alright, more photos!!!
These are from my digicam. The rest before were from Loisa's hp camera & mine.

[Click to enlarge these... I've put them up as a larger file.]
The rest are of the Orientation Groups and their leaders, the losers and the fun =]

Steph and Kenneth's group! With.. Giri and Jason's group. S and K lost... haha. SandK! SK jewellery, SK II, Samuel and Kevin... Wah. no wonder Steph and Kenneth got scandal among their group. Their mo qi so good ah.

HAHAHA! People! Start laughing at KENNETH! anw, Ken, you should wear brighter coloured tees instead of your uncle attires.. lol. you look so much more cheery. CHEERS! lol
I'm gonna get killed by eeyore! *scrams*

Their final product. These people were the most sporting larh! So I was quite happy with them lining up and all. So I took more pics of them. BLEH! =p

And... then the games were over, we headed back to DFS Galleria to hang out and wait... before hopping on a bus to Changi. The bus ride was fabulouso. We had the whole coach to ourselves - 7 of us in one big coach. COOL EH?