Oh... School is fascinating. Such random things are happening everyday...
So, I was talking about my attire... and dressing... yes. Feminine.
I wore a tube top with a short sleeved jacket(zipped 3/4 way) and 3 quart. pants to school yesterday and that was not the first time. My dear pals... after wednesday's "big" thAng, hoo-haa-ed about it... *YEAH* [Oh my, I shouldn't get so sarcastic].
No, I don't have a boyfriend. No, I'm not eyeing any guy from our class, UB, RMIT, UOL or in fact, SIM or the WHOLE of Singapore at the moment. What's up with me dressing nicely man?! Big deal? Like, I'm a LADY! "haha..." Stop teasing me!
Talking about yesterday... what a long day... At lunchtime, the food court was extremely CROWDED! I say, extremely
leh! I was trying to "siam" everybody lah.. People are everywhere. Goodness. And the big group of us couldn't get seats. So how? "Tar-Pow"(takeaway) lor...
Then we went to the tiny area which links the Grand Hall to the main corridors... sat down on the dirty floor and lunched. I ate Lemon Chicken Rice again. It's like easy to eat LOR. That's why... and not too expensive too! We had a hilarious time laughing away at Ie Ting's antics. Eg.(Mimicking Elizabeth, talking about ammo and some crappy things people like us listen to) LOL. Seeing Elizabeth and him "quarrel" was so funny lar... LOL. Elizabeth wanted to throw the packet she finished at him and he had two(1 packet and 1 container of soup). So "TWO AMMO"... lol... then he commented the bubble tea with pearls I was drinking was "MACHINE GUN"! -_-" Can't BELIEVE it...
After school, went to the office... because I wanted to go walk walk, jalan jalan, gai gai with MOM. I took a "toot-ty" 61 I waited 20 minutes for which looped around Harbourfront, Queenstown, Holland Village and like, SO MANY OTHER PLACES... before reaching South Bridge Road(total journey: 1 hr plus- should have taken mrt. CRAP).
And I spent 2 pointless hours waiting for Mum to do her office stuff... before we went to Bugis. Then we spent like, 1 hour plus digging thru' the OP sale thingys... for nice t-shirts. Not exactly nice though, all of them...
Went home tired...
About today... ENDLESS TEASING... (no lah)... It's fine... It's fine.
And about my face getting red and all that... Gosh, I was just laughing silly-"ly". Till my face got RED, that is. So they thought it was real and I was getting all shy and stuff. NO! Again. NO! Not a fact. LOL. I don't have a date nor a boyfriend. I took a few pics. Okay, my outfit today... Some say it's cool with the skinny tie and all that... Lookie! Funny? Weird? COol? Up to you to say...

Economics was boring. I want to know what he is teaching! I really want to do well! But I don't understand! I don't understand why it's like that, I'm getting frustrated already... Dr. B.H. speaks... very funny... aw man. I don't get him at all. I tink it may be his strong accent.
I went to Bugis today again. Waited about 1 and 1/2 hours for MUMMY! Always late... I don't get her problem with punctuality. It's always been like that. Mumsy... why are you always so late?! HAHAHA... So, shopped around.. and bought a skirt. Yeah! Mum bought a skirt for me and 3/4 pants that we're gonna share. Nice. Haha... But expensive... Spent $60 today... for that. We shopped at Seiyu. Boring place.. I thought Bugis may be fun... And I missed out Icon Mall! Crap. Saw it when we going home already... Took a picture... Nice looking mall. Must go there with friends.

I made a fine skin! Wanna see? LOL...

Italian SuburbsCurrently No.1 @ Top 15. 4 Days already. I'm proud. Both highlighted are mine! :D Yeah... Blogskins community rocks. Except for the "Boom-Boomers"...

Hanging by A Moment.I lv PS7. :)