WAHHHHHH!!! Oh my oh my oh my... I am SO SO SO xxx... crapped up.
English is booring me down!!! HELP ME! I'm so stressed! Crazy English is CRAZY
lah... gawrd!
The stupid presentation took like, so much time to prepare. And then there's the dumb essay, I haven't even started on it. I shall not eat lunch tomorrow, and just do the outline while they lunch.
Had a
SUPER SHOCK from Loisa today. I think I'm gonna pull up my socks and work hard to get my music group to do something about the project. I just realised some
Here are some deadlines for the music project...
June 2: Our project grp name
June 21 wed: 1st written draft of wat we gonna do for project
July 3 mon: Final draft of project
July 24 mon onwards: Presentation slots given by Lena
We've done
NOTHING! Like, my whole group doesn't know
And we had Econs today... I'm in a bad state... I got C- for Econs... that's like... 70% lor... I scored 42/60. Gosh, that's bad. That's bad... That's really really bad. I was sitting beside Loisa, and I saw she got like, 10 marks more than me... 0.o *stunned*. OK, nah, she does very well like, in everything... (-_-") And you know what? You know... ok, she has this habit of flapping her arms while she talks panicky-ly and she wears this loose-fitting windbreaker with really long sleeves. Guess what, she SLAPPED me with that, accidentally of course. HAHAH! Like, that's
SO comical. I'm like... thinking slow-motion.. Oh haha.. OK, stop it! I'm making a fool out of myself. Heh heh. so dumb. OUCH! no, I don't take it to heart Loisa.
And English? I got 85.5/100. That's not very good either. I think I got a B. Crap huh? And Maths? GREAT disappointment... 81/100: B-; I think...
Only Music I got A-... The test today was pretty cocked-up. Heh heh, KNOW WHY?! I didn't have enough time to complete it and nearing the end of the test I was like, "Oh man, shoot...".. TOTAL PANIC!
AW MAN...!