By the way, autumn/ fall has come and I've been looking at the effects of fall all around me on the trees. The leaves have turned yellow... orange... red... they've fallen from the trees... and that is something I don't really notice happening as much in Singapore. Leaves do turn yellow and fall. But the seasons are not as precise and exact like it is here in Buffalo. The moment Fall Equinox passed, I start to notice the changes around me.
A glimpse:
These trees were once filled with green leaves...!!! Well, that is, when I came over.

Very pretty red leaves...

I even got the chance to take a photo! Right, whatever...

Here's something Eileen saw at CVS, and I had to take a photo. Look! It's my brand! My surname you know? Hahahahaha~

Anyway, before you enter my room, here's what you'll see pasted on our doors! How cute is that?! Thanks to Jennifer, our RA -- resident advisor.

A look at the back of the door reveals something like what you would see in a hotel room!

Okay, so anyway, you can see the route I always take whenever there happens to be a fire alarm in our building. Also, you can see that it's unfair because the double room that is beside our room is obviously bigger! The HUGE lounge on the left side is also useless, since it's locked! What the hell. How I wish sometimes that it is open. It would make it SO convenient for me to get hot water! If I want hot water, I need to either walk down the hallway to building five or go down to the third floor... when there is a lounge next to my room?! WHAT?
So here's what you would see in the evenings when the sun sets... from my bedroom window:

Pretty cool eh?
I just finished my PR exam today. It was alright, I am hoping to get full marks because we got an extra credit question. We'll see how it goes!
The coolest thing about today was going to the Alumni Arena after the exam to attend Khaled Hosseini's talk. By the way, he's the author of The Kite Runner. It was so interesting! There were so many people, and the whole duration everything said and asked in the session was so meaningful! After coming back from it, I wanted to just grab the book to read and read and read. Well, we got it from our International Student orientation, which by the way, cost us USD85. What a RIP-OFF. What a school, UB. What a bloodsucking school. Haha.
By the way, I really liked a lot of his views mentioned in the talk, and fully agree with them. One quote I thought was meaningful was him saying that there is not really a very clear distinction between good and bad, good and evil. There are really evil people out there, it is true, but a lot of men don't really know that they are doing something bad if their education tells them that it is supposedly good. Although really, the world opposes to that notion. This was when they were talking about the Taleban and stuff like that, yeah. So it goes like, "Good and evil exist within one person". Or something like that.
But here's a photo I snapped at the start, when he just came out and started to read the first chapter off The Kite Runner. Take a look at the massive place!

LOL!!! I so wanna watch a basketball game there.