5 days to New York for a short holiday...THEN!!!A flight to Buffalo, and then to the campus.
So exciting, yet kinda unprepared. I know I should've started but I haven't really started packing. There's like, an exam tomorrow, hello, which I so don't feel like mugging for. Come'on! Gee. This is so irritating. It's for our advertising class, and what we gotta do for this 30% exam is MEMORIZE EVERY SINGLE THING from this three pages of notes I printed out. WORD-FOR-WORD. It sucks, and it makes no sense. -shrugs-
Why do we memorize things like that? It's bad! Okay, okay a just a little while more. I'll be done with this exam and then I'll start packing then HOLIDAY! Then I'll be off to the U.S. Oh gosh. Don't know what to say.
I'm gonna have a roommate named Raven Moon, from Birmingham, UK. I keep imagining what she's gonna be like. I shouldn't be so pessimistic. Haha. I shall hope for the very best. Because I COME WHAT MAY! I will survive! (LOL)
Gotta be prepared for the cold weather that's probably coming in mid-september too. OOOH preparations. I'm such a last minute kid.
Guess what. Freaking medical consultation fee was $25! And it was just taking blood pressure, height, and weight, and asking the doctor to fill out a form. FREAKING SUCKS. WTH. Cheat people's money. So unfair. I think next time I gotta go to a cheaper clinic, like I don't know. National Clinic or something.
Oh oh! And I found out that blackish green lump beside my eyebrow is a cyst. Disgust! The doc said that it's only removable surgically. Whatever! I shall wait for it to eventually subside. Sigh.
I went on an adventure yesterday. Haha. A cultural and historical journey. Yeah right. Okay, so anyway, Big Aunt and mum and I watched Money No Enough 2, and we went up that super long flight of stairs to Mount Sophia (sorry, not Mt. Sinai -_-"), and went to look around Old School (nice place). Afterwards, we walked down the road to see their old school, Nan Hwa Girls Secondary School or something, which is a Youth Hostel now. Took a few pictures and heard a few stories. So nice. :) Apart from the one about their school's jaga. And took a few pictures of the old shophouses too. Then we walked a lot, went to Hotel Rendezvous and had our dinner at this place with a lot of curry dishes. -spicy-licious-