And I thought I won't be using my VideoEzy card much...
I've just watched
Eastern Promises, Finding Neverland, Big Fish, Pan's Labyrinth (El Laberinto Del Fauno), and I might just watch
My Fair Lady if I've got the time.
Eastern Promises has Naomi Watts! Well, the point is I don't know how we keep renting DVDs with links to each other.
> Naomi Watts: 21 Grams, I (heart) Huckabees, Eastern Promises.
> Dustin Hoffman: I (heart) Huckabees, Finding Neverland
Anyway, I finally watched two movies I've always REALLY wanted to watch - Big Fish and Finding Neverland. Pan's Labyrinth also, but not as much. Thank goodness Clementi's Videoezy is so freaking fantastic. So many movies on the shelf. AHHH ~bliss~
The thing about Finding Neverland is, Johnny Depp and the Scottish accent. It totally reminded me to think about the interviews I've seen of the band, Franz Ferdinand. And the accent was like.. WHOA. There. J.M. Barrie. What a genius. Weird link. I know. Honestly, watching this movie made me want to quickly grab 2003's Peter Pan movie or the Disney cartoon version and start watching it. :D
So Pan's Labyrinth was like worth the 1hr50mins of my time. Yea, it was so WOW. Fairytales. That's a real creepy one. But it's still the humans that are scary, like the idiotic sadistic a**hole captain guy.
Ahhh Johnny Depp... talking about him, well, Eileen handed me my belated 18th Bday present. It's so cute la. A children's storybook with a read along cd that plays for 20+ minutes and
includes the characters' voices. Made me feel like a kid all over again. Ahh, NOSTALGIA.
Especially with the screening of children-related stuff in media effects class. Haha...
AND IT HAS PICTURES OF ORLANDO BLOOM AND ARGHHHH!! JOHNNY DEPP! ok, I know lah, it's kind of like a little fan-girl thing. It's so crappy! UGH. (psst! I collect Singapore magazines with Johnny Depp on the cover. heh hehe. I think I got four already.
HEH) Was so scared of making noise in MGM class but Jocelyn totally brought out the fan girl in me. She's so good at influencing people, and
Junichi Okada looks so -oooh lah lah-. I can't help but go *fan-girl* crazy in front of her. Gee. Coz' she's like the expert. Haha.*_* <- 发花吃!(are these the right Chinese words?)

The COM 242 research paper DRAFT is finally done. Mass comm effects is really ... what to say? BIG. Right. Anyways, there's this movie, Skinny and Fatty, which is pretty old, and in black and white and all, but Prof. Armstrong showed it in class ... and it was kinda cute and all even though the kid actors are like way older than me now.
OH OH! I played bowling and pool at this Safra Club that we went to quite a lot when we were younger when we have some family gathering or events. I'm not sure if it's Changi or East Coast, but it's somewhere in the East. Anyway, it's so cool to go back there and see how things have changed (or not). :D Chantel's Birthday anyway. She's TWO years old already. That's pretty quick. Wow.
-I actually typed something that I didn't wanna publish. Perhaps another time- :x lol.