%DISINCLINED. co.nr _________________ v.13 Momentarily caught in the middle:
Saturday, August 12, 2006
5:49 pm
Well, since the exams are over... there ain't nothing much to do but slack. I was home all day yesterday. Today? It's the same case. I made some skins. Pirates of the Caribbean including Davy(or is it Davey) Jones and also Capt. Jack. I had just finished coding them... FINALLY!
I made a Panic! At the Disco skin too. Just that I haven't coded it... YET. I think Panic! At the Disco really rocks. Hahah... I'm getting addicted to their songs. I heard some demos on Pure Volume. It's a really good music site. Check it out yeah. HAHA.
And... the Capt. Jack pics. [which btw are really ugly... and drawn out of boredom under the influence of a lot of math brainstorm] ...
I tried WONKA BAR! I haven't finished it yet... Wonka's Whipple Scrumptious Caramel Delight! Ain't that COOL! I love the movie btw. It tastes FABULOUS.
Hong Yong bought them from 7-eleven with Mum... Anyway, here's the story... H.Y. spotted the choco bars and the price stated was S$1.15. So they grabbed two and proceeded to the cashier. Then, the cashier said that it actually costs $2.40. But mum argued that since 7-eleven is in the wrong for putting the wrong price, they should charge only $1.15. They asked the senior staff of that store and he said, "Ok.". HAHA... So we got 2 for $1.15! =]
OH! Bro. said the "Chicken Rice" from his field camp comes in a sealed airtight bag... and I don't wanna think further. I can't imagine it. He says it SUCKS. Really bad. Well, some kind of liquid form kinda rice.... LOL. Scary.
I guess... That should be it. Check back here again soon. =]
Jia Zhen // University at Buffalo/SIM. B(A) Communication.
my fav. bands
my fav. actors
my fav. singers
my fav. movies
my fav. music
many more... see my fanlistings.
Alternative ROCK! woohoo
Blog Design
Image Editing
Photoshop CS3!!!
My Tre Cool Zildjian Artist Series drum sticks.
▫ a new media player
My Lil'
Saturday, August 12, 2006
5:49 pm
Well, since the exams are over... there ain't nothing much to do but slack. I was home all day yesterday. Today? It's the same case. I made some skins. Pirates of the Caribbean including Davy(or is it Davey) Jones and also Capt. Jack. I had just finished coding them... FINALLY!
I made a Panic! At the Disco skin too. Just that I haven't coded it... YET. I think Panic! At the Disco really rocks. Hahah... I'm getting addicted to their songs. I heard some demos on Pure Volume. It's a really good music site. Check it out yeah. HAHA.
And... the Capt. Jack pics. [which btw are really ugly... and drawn out of boredom under the influence of a lot of math brainstorm] ...
I tried WONKA BAR! I haven't finished it yet... Wonka's Whipple Scrumptious Caramel Delight! Ain't that COOL! I love the movie btw. It tastes FABULOUS.
Hong Yong bought them from 7-eleven with Mum... Anyway, here's the story... H.Y. spotted the choco bars and the price stated was S$1.15. So they grabbed two and proceeded to the cashier. Then, the cashier said that it actually costs $2.40. But mum argued that since 7-eleven is in the wrong for putting the wrong price, they should charge only $1.15. They asked the senior staff of that store and he said, "Ok.". HAHA... So we got 2 for $1.15! =]
OH! Bro. said the "Chicken Rice" from his field camp comes in a sealed airtight bag... and I don't wanna think further. I can't imagine it. He says it SUCKS. Really bad. Well, some kind of liquid form kinda rice.... LOL. Scary.
I guess... That should be it. Check back here again soon. =]
1. Green Day
This has got to be one of my favourite skins.
Navi and never-ending scroller.
2. Panic! At the Disco
Something new, well, I' still figuring out more creative ways to do skins. Learning is fun. Learning on your own is much more fun.
Navi and never-ending scroller.
3. Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance
This is pretty grungy isn't it? I'm in the MCR mood now, so here's one for me with Gerard in it!
Navi and never-ending scroller.
4. Old MCR, feat. GWay, FIero, RToro
I tried a different layout with same aspects, but with a different navigational way. Minor overhaul, but major design change. =]
Navi and never-ending scroller.
5. Kaiser Chiefs - Your's Truly, Angry Mob
I tried to lay on lots of colour, like BRIGHT colours so it contrasts like, overly... I WANNA SHOCK you. Make them look shocking. Haha.
TABLES! NAVI! I took SO long to code this layout; it was freaking exhausting.
6. Jack Sparrow
It was really random, I wanted to change my skin badly, and I loved Jack Sparrow.
7. The Fray - All At Once
I just had a random idea that I needed my old style back after a comment from a blogskins user. So I just laid on the brush-spam. LOL. :P
12. Green Day - 2 weeks on
I had to make a layout of them again after seeing them two weeks back. 20/1/2010
1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
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Any credits missed out is unintended and feedback is absolutely appreciated for an addition to be implemented.
This is a personal blog for non-commercial purposes. 2010