OMG... I HATE BLOGGER. I wrote a freaking long entry and it got TRASHED 'cos there's a stupid problem with Blogger.

This Tuesday, we went for our normal swimming class but Big Bro.'s last before entering army... so we took some pics!
A lot of crapped up pics... (in filmstrip) but one is pretty not bad. I mean, better than the others. HAHA.
Some updates...
1) I designed a banner for this
website. Well, it was accepted for this month. Yippee.
2) English essay finally written! I was so depressed during English consultation just now 'cos she told me my first draft was not well done, at all. Not exactly the words she said, but something like that. I AM SUCH A KID. I HAVE A PROBLEM, oops. WHY? ok, back to main point. Yeah, but she gave me some thoughts and views... bla bla, it was some help. I thought today was English lesson, so I lugged my Evergreen ESL textbook along to consultation. That was totally crappy. TOTALLY. My bag was so freakin' FAT. And my drumsticks didn't fit in. Anyway, my pals took a look at my sticks... Yeah... Nothing much anyway...
3) MOM's Birthday dinner yesterday was the core of BLOATS. Ok, you know I always like to make up dumb stuff. Ok, umm... we(BIG BRO., HY, MUM, DA YI) got extremely bloated eating Swensens yesterday. But the food was good. We finished the main course and then I was just drinking plain water... and mom was ordering ice-cream from the manager, then my DAD suddenly popped out from behind and pushed me, so, *SPLAT*. Should I elaborate further? Funny seh. We got Mum a present. It's a huge mug which had a quote: "They finally found something that does the work of 10 men. A WOMAN!". Nice~ Some pics...

4) Talking about drumming, I remembered... every thursday, drumming lesson days, it would definitely RAIN. It was so significant 'cos every Thursday, I get wet. So I always remember. Therefore, I was talking about my fat bag right? I was only wondering if I should bring along my umbrella... to school in the morning, in case it rained... then I remembered, OH YES, it rains every thursday. Truth! THE TRUTH! IT rained just now.
5) My drumming lesson was so-so... I learnt a new roll... SO SO difficult... I'm starting to wonder if drumming really is the thing for me. WAHAHA... yea.
That's about it... My Big. Bro is GOING TO BE AWAY for awhile... N.S. no man living Singapore can escape that without going to jail... lol, he'll be fine. BE SAFE. :)