%DISINCLINED. co.nr _________________ v.13 Momentarily caught in the middle:
Friday, September 09, 2005
10:22 pm
Wah... really scary thing happened. Check this out. Another body-parts murder, in less than three months. That's one scary thing. My GAWD! Why would anyone dump the head, arms and legs of a woman at ORCHARD? Orchard Mrt? That's pretty DUMB. How did he/she manage to do that? That's really disgusting. What's happening in Singapore? Ugh.. I feel like puking. Poor cleaner...
Hmms... Saw this Anna Sui by Samsung phone in a magazine... SO COOL! like, it's super chic! But it's SOLD OUT! I bet it'd cost a bomb. Hey, check out Anna Sui's website. Wow! Love the label man!
Ah! I came by this webpage... . There are a lot of really interesting articles there. I really like the "Quirkies" section. Exceptionally quirky.
I saw this blog featured in a magazine. It's a personal blog by Rockson Takumi Tan. The postings are really funny, though consisting a lot of expletives. But they're really amusing anyway, worth reading. It'll tickle your funny bones.
That's about all... I was home all day anyway, so nothing much happened. The holidays are really short. So, back to school on Monday!
*p.s.* My mom gave me a really good tip she heard from the radio. Thought that I should share it. It should really work! BEAUTY 101. -How to get smooth and flawless pimples in less that a week or a fortnight. Ingredients: Half a tomato. Method: 1)Cut into slices. 2)Mash it up in a plastic bag(Clean transparent kind of plastic bag of course). 3)Spread it all over your face(this could really get messy.-I know, I tried). 4)Leave the tomato mask on for around 15-20 minutes. 5)wash your face after removing it. "tada!" Do this everyday until you achieve the desired effect. Oh yea.. Must wash your face before you put the tomatoes on!
Jia Zhen // University at Buffalo/SIM. B(A) Communication.
my fav. bands
my fav. actors
my fav. singers
my fav. movies
my fav. music
many more... see my fanlistings.
Alternative ROCK! woohoo
Blog Design
Image Editing
Photoshop CS3!!!
My Tre Cool Zildjian Artist Series drum sticks.
▫ a new media player
My Lil'
Friday, September 09, 2005
10:22 pm
Wah... really scary thing happened. Check this out. Another body-parts murder, in less than three months. That's one scary thing. My GAWD! Why would anyone dump the head, arms and legs of a woman at ORCHARD? Orchard Mrt? That's pretty DUMB. How did he/she manage to do that? That's really disgusting. What's happening in Singapore? Ugh.. I feel like puking. Poor cleaner...
Hmms... Saw this Anna Sui by Samsung phone in a magazine... SO COOL! like, it's super chic! But it's SOLD OUT! I bet it'd cost a bomb. Hey, check out Anna Sui's website. Wow! Love the label man!
Ah! I came by this webpage... . There are a lot of really interesting articles there. I really like the "Quirkies" section. Exceptionally quirky.
I saw this blog featured in a magazine. It's a personal blog by Rockson Takumi Tan. The postings are really funny, though consisting a lot of expletives. But they're really amusing anyway, worth reading. It'll tickle your funny bones.
That's about all... I was home all day anyway, so nothing much happened. The holidays are really short. So, back to school on Monday!
*p.s.* My mom gave me a really good tip she heard from the radio. Thought that I should share it. It should really work! BEAUTY 101. -How to get smooth and flawless pimples in less that a week or a fortnight. Ingredients: Half a tomato. Method: 1)Cut into slices. 2)Mash it up in a plastic bag(Clean transparent kind of plastic bag of course). 3)Spread it all over your face(this could really get messy.-I know, I tried). 4)Leave the tomato mask on for around 15-20 minutes. 5)wash your face after removing it. "tada!" Do this everyday until you achieve the desired effect. Oh yea.. Must wash your face before you put the tomatoes on!
1. Green Day
This has got to be one of my favourite skins.
Navi and never-ending scroller.
2. Panic! At the Disco
Something new, well, I' still figuring out more creative ways to do skins. Learning is fun. Learning on your own is much more fun.
Navi and never-ending scroller.
3. Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance
This is pretty grungy isn't it? I'm in the MCR mood now, so here's one for me with Gerard in it!
Navi and never-ending scroller.
4. Old MCR, feat. GWay, FIero, RToro
I tried a different layout with same aspects, but with a different navigational way. Minor overhaul, but major design change. =]
Navi and never-ending scroller.
5. Kaiser Chiefs - Your's Truly, Angry Mob
I tried to lay on lots of colour, like BRIGHT colours so it contrasts like, overly... I WANNA SHOCK you. Make them look shocking. Haha.
TABLES! NAVI! I took SO long to code this layout; it was freaking exhausting.
6. Jack Sparrow
It was really random, I wanted to change my skin badly, and I loved Jack Sparrow.
7. The Fray - All At Once
I just had a random idea that I needed my old style back after a comment from a blogskins user. So I just laid on the brush-spam. LOL. :P
12. Green Day - 2 weeks on
I had to make a layout of them again after seeing them two weeks back. 20/1/2010
1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
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Any credits missed out is unintended and feedback is absolutely appreciated for an addition to be implemented.
This is a personal blog for non-commercial purposes. 2010